Gordie’s Midday Gossip - Android vs Iphone divide

23% of People with iPhones Claim They’d Never Date an Android User

Male hand hold Apple iphone pro Illustrative editorial
iPhone and satellite connection FILE PHOTO: Some iPhones can connect to satellites when cell service isn't available. (H_Ko - stock.adobe.com)
(H_Ko - stock.adobe.com)

More than one in five iPhone users admit they LOOK DOWN on people with Androids. 22% admit they think less of someone if they see a green text bubble come through. And 23% claim they’d never date an Android user.

Here are a few more quick stats on America’s iPhone / Android divide . . .

1. Most people with Androids are aware iPhone fans are judging them for it. 52% said they’ve been teased or made fun of by an iPhone user before.

2. 21% of iPhone users admit they’ve excluded someone from a group chat because the person had an Android.

3. 42% of iPhone users have used a separate, third-party messaging program like WhatsApp to accommodate their PATHETIC Android-using friends.

4. 30% of Android users have thought about getting an iPhone just to stop the peer pressure

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