Gordie’s Midday Gossip - Facebook Turns 21 Today

Happy 21st, Facebook!

Happy 21st, Facebook! Here Are 21 things you should NEVER post on Facebook.

1.  Anything illegal, obviously.  Don’t incriminate yourself.

2.  Answers to common security questions.  Like your first car, or your mom’s maiden name.

3.  Your home address.  That includes photos of your new place after you move.

4.  Your phone number.  If you want more scam calls, go for it.

5.  Embarrassing pictures of other people.  They might not think it’s funny.

6.  Your license.  It’s something a lot of 16-year-olds do.

7.  Other people’s big news.  Make sure THEY announce it first.

8.  Details about when you’re leaving for vacation.  Burglars want that info.

9.  Your work schedule.  Same reason.  People will know you’re not home.

10.  Tons of party photos.  It won’t look great when you’re applying for jobs.

11.  Emotionally charged posts.  The type you end up regretting the next day.

12.  “Facts” you got from a meme.  99% chance they’re bogus.

13.  Photos of your keys.  People can duplicate them just from a photo now.

14.  The name of your kid’s school.  It’s just too scary of a world.

15.  Revealing photos.  The Internet never forgets.

16.  Arguments or personal drama.  It can make you look immature.

17.  Relationship issues.  Some stuff should stay personal.

18.  Posts about expensive purchases.  They can come across as braggy, or make you a target for scammers.

19.  Anything you wouldn’t want your grandma to see.  Grandmas make up like 95% of Facebook’s userbase now.

20.  Rants about hating your job.  Or worse, hating your boss.

21.  A fitting one for Facebook’s 21st birthday:  Never post anything while drunk.